Friday, December 21, 2007

The Stupid Test 3 Answers Walkthrough

The Stupid Test 3 is yet another game on that people are anxious to find a walkthrough and answers for. This game is pretty cool. Here are the answers for The Stupid Test...

1. wrong
2. celery
3. beans
4. more, core, cord, cold
5. hannah
6. Press the green button carefully. The positions change.
7. 5
8. more scrambled eggs
9. butter
10. neither
11. all of them
12. yes
13. a coin collector
14. He never boarded the ark. It was Noah.
15. Earth can't be removed from a hole.
16. milk
17. macromedia
18. (it should say subtract your original number) = 4
19. call, ball
20. the last button is the tiny yellow one between the two green ones in the 2nd row
21. numismatist

Eddie Van Halen and Valerie Bertinelli Finalize Divorce

After 26 years of marriage, celebrity couple Eddie Van Halen and Valerie Bertinelli have completed thier divorce. This has been a fairly popular search trend over the last couple of hours. Valerie Bertiinelli is a television star who has most recently been working for Jenny Craig. Big surprise, another celebrity couple getting divorced.

Body of Leah Hickman Found, Missing Marshall Student

A Marshall University student named Leah Hickman disappeared on December 14th and has not been seen since. Her body was believed to be discovered today after an extensive search. Hickman was 21 years old. Though police are not 100% sure that the body found is Hickman's, the body was found in the apartment building that she lived in. My thoughts go out to the family of Leah Hickman.