Friday, December 21, 2007

The Stupid Test 3 Answers Walkthrough

The Stupid Test 3 is yet another game on that people are anxious to find a walkthrough and answers for. This game is pretty cool. Here are the answers for The Stupid Test...

1. wrong
2. celery
3. beans
4. more, core, cord, cold
5. hannah
6. Press the green button carefully. The positions change.
7. 5
8. more scrambled eggs
9. butter
10. neither
11. all of them
12. yes
13. a coin collector
14. He never boarded the ark. It was Noah.
15. Earth can't be removed from a hole.
16. milk
17. macromedia
18. (it should say subtract your original number) = 4
19. call, ball
20. the last button is the tiny yellow one between the two green ones in the 2nd row
21. numismatist


Anonymous said...

well done v good

Anonymous said...

it wont let me type nethig after care which is sucks

Anonymous said...

it is good because cheats

Anonymous said...

don't cheat like me

Anonymous said...

on da second 2 last question i don't get it?I can't do the first 1
cheers :)